Thursday, November 25, 2010


With so many American children coming to Art en Casa we decided this week to celebrate Thanks Giving. It was a great chance to get the children to think of all the things that made them happy and they could say Thank You for. They now all know what a turkey is as we made quite a few ! We used our hands to print them, colored some in and make a turkey hats with the older kids.
Happy Thanks Giving !

Friday, November 12, 2010

Animal Fun

Young children always love making animals so this week we did just that. Using brown paper bags we make puppet elephants. The younger children are still working on their cutting skills so cutting out the different parts for the elephant was hard work for them. Next we made a 3D fish.
This was made using all recycled material like serial boxes for the base and old magazines to stuff the fish. The children painted and decorated their fish ready to hang up with the other animal trophies.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Van Gogh

This week we had a go at Van Goghs' Bedroom. We talked about what we could see and the colors he used. Then children started off by having to piece together the picture like a puzzle. Once all the parts where stuck in place they began to paint trying to copy the colors from the original picture. We where left with real master pieces !