Monday, May 31, 2010


We decided to devote the entire week as Space themed. Its a topic that can be used with all ages with no real problem. With the younger kids we just did rockets and planets and with the older group we introduced astraunots. We discused different planets and the idea of aliens. The kids really loved the topic.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Desert and Flowers

With the desert paintings we worked on using pattern effects to make the picture more interesting. We used the tip of a sharp objects to cut into the wet paint making lines ans swirls. We than cut out of card and glued on the cactus and snake to give them a 3D effect, the result being a very life like landscape picture.

Story Time

Every week the children  have a small break between activities where they get to relax, have a cookie and drink while listening to a story or two. The little ones always grab one of the soft toys to sit with them. They have a few favorite stories and can now read along with me and do the actions to Eric Carle stories.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Crocs and Palaces

The younger kids got to make crocodiles this last week. We used simple brown paper bags painting them green. Then teeth, eyes and noses had to be added. The smallest children are working on their cutting skills which is still a real challenge to them.
The older boys had to work on their sketching technique by copying as best they could a picture of a palace. They focused very hard with pencil and ruler in hand. They most enjoyed using gold paint to color in the domes of the place.