With lovely sunny spring days upon us I thought it would be nice to stare up at the endless blue skies and see what is up there. So this week we looked at 'things in the sky' , the children told me everything they had seen in the sky, clouds, stars, rain, kites, .... which we drew and labelled on the big white board. The children then coloured, cut stuck and label the different things. We then used some of our recycled boxes to make planes and finished off making kite in the sky with cotton wool clouds. [ http://www.dltk-teach.com/alphabuddies/mkite.html]
Welcome to two new students Elizabeth and Michael ;]
It was so nice to finally get back to Buenos Aires to the sunshine and my beautiful home. I have managed to avoid winter once again and arrive just in time for the start of Spring. This is why I thought a Spring time topic would work well to make the kids aware of the changing seasons. We looked out of the window and discussed what changes we can see in nature and how each season has different things to look out for. I had the children label different parts of a tree to work on letter recognition. We then made our own standing trees and used crate paper to make giant flowers. It was so great to have all the children back and I am so looking forward to this last term.
So after having left you all for the Argentine winter I can happerly confirm that me and Jose did finaly marry in Tuscany this August. Now reality slowly seeps back and I will be returning to Buenos Aires to start classes the week of September 12th.
Looking forward to seeing all the children again and some new faces I hope !