Monday, June 20, 2011

Family Trees

Last week we made our own family trees. We wrote out on the big white board the names of everyone in each family then the children could copy them onto an apple. A tree was painted and the apples stuck on to create family trees. We also did some collage work by sticking crate paper on a board to create waves and added fish on top.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Body

Looking at the human body is always a great one for key vocab. I have this big hanging body I like to put up for these kind of classes. The body parts are written on post its and the kids can go and pick them off or use them to copy the names for their own hanging bodies. We also found time to make funny faces putting a range of silly features into an empty face. The song 'Head and Shoulders' is of course also a fun way to help the kids remember the different parts of their bodies.

Monday, June 6, 2011


We took out the map this week and found Australia. Looking at countries is always a fun thing to do with both children and teenagers, even now I love looking at a map. I asked the kids which countries they knew or had visited. We located them on the world map and then went on to search for the largest and smallest counties in the world. We talked about the animals that lived in Australia and of course the main one we linked was the Kangaroo. I then showed the children some aboriginal paintings of animals and explained that we would try and copy them with our own 'dot' painting. I had made animal shapes for them to draw around then they just had to fill them in with dots. We also made a turtle puzzle with pieces being cut out and stuck down.